• Prayer Requests

    Prayer is the foundation of everything we do here at Love Thy Neighbor. Our staff and volunteers are committed to praying for each prayer request we receive.

    In 2023, 3,269 prayer requests came through the Clearinghouse and home visits. So many need to feel that they are lonely, they do not have the strength to get through their Crisis. Prayer gives them the reassurance that they are not alone in their dilemma. As a result, we have people calling back for more prayer. A relationship develops with the staff and client.  It is such a blessing to give HOPE!

    You can request prayer in 3 ways:

    – Call our prayer line anytime at 732-542-7012 x.100 and leave a message with your prayer request

    – Submit your prayer request via email by clicking the following link

    – Fill out the form below and click Send

    Email A Prayer Request

      Your Name:

      Your Email

      Prayer Request